Letter from the Honorable Hillary R. Clinton

March 17, 2009

Dear Friends:

Letter from the Honorable Hillary R. ClintonI am delighted to bring greetings to each of you gathered for the American Council on Education and the Coalition for International Education's joint celebration in honor of the 50th Anniversary of HEA-Title VI and the Fulbright-Hays international education programs. Please accept my sincere regret that I am unable to join you today for this important event.

Nearly 50 years ago, our leaders had the prescience to understand that investments in foreign language and world region education were vital to maintaining America's position of strength in the world. In tandem, Title VI programs and their Fulbright-Hays overseas counterparts have proven essential tools for developing and maintaining international expertise among American students and educators. By combining opportunities for overseas study and resarch with domestic programs aimed at foreign language instruction and area expertise, they have helped generations of Americans seize oppportunities and confront challenges on the ever-changing world stage. From the Cold War era to the current day, these programs have been essential for expanding the importance of international expertise to all aspects of modern life, from trade and technology, to healthcare delivery and national security.

I am proud of the landmark achievements of Title VI and the Fulbright-Hays international programs, and remain incredibly heartened by their potential to help future generations of Americans prepare for the challenges we face in today's complex global era. Please accept my best regards on this significant occasion and my heartfelt hope for a successful celebration.

Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

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